Help Your Kids with Language ArtsA Step-by-Step Visual Guide to Grammar, Punctuation, and Writing【電子書籍】[ DK ]

Help Your Kids with Language ArtsA Step-by-Step Visual Guide to Grammar, Punctuation, and Writing【電子書籍】[ DK ] Help Your Kids with Language ArtsA Step-by-Step Visual Guide to Grammar, Punctuation, and Writing【電子書籍】[ DK ] Help Your Kids with Language ArtsA Step-by-Step Visual Guide to Grammar, Punctuation, and Writing【電子書籍】[ DK ]

<p><strong>If English is sounding like a foreign language, make it easy and effortless with the ultimate study guide.</strong></p> <p>This visual reference book takes you through all the different parts of the English language, leaving you ready to help your children tackle the trickiest of subjects.</p> <p>DK's unique study aid encourages parents and children to work together as a team to understand and use all aspects of the English language, including grammar, punctuation, and spelling. This latest title in the best-selling Help Your Kids series... combines pictures, diagrams, instructions, and examples to cover the components of the school syllabus, while building knowledge, boosting confidence, and aiding understanding.</p> <p>With your support, children can overcome the challenges of English, leaving them calm, confident, and exam ready.</p> <p><strong>Series Overview:</strong> DK's bestselling Help Your Kids With series contains crystal-clear visual breakdowns of important subjects. Simple graphics and jargon-free text are key to making this series a user-friendly resource for frustrated parents who want to help their children get the most out of school.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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